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the repellent.com
By : Rodents Away Odor Free
Repels mice away and deters them from coming back.
Ideal for use in the home, cottage, office, RV, car, boat, trailer or other indoor spaces.
Made from natural ingredients, when used as directed it is safe for use around people, pets and farm animals.
Slow release formula maintains effectiveness over time, lasting up to 3-6 months in indoor spaces.
Works by repelling, so there is no mess to clean up or foul smells from decaying mice.
Scent free so it will not cause irritation to you or your pets.
Easy to use, simply place sachets near locations where mice may enter your indoor spaces or in areas where mice are present.
Each sachet will treat 100 square feet.
Used product can be safely disposed along with other household waste.

Cruelty-free and mess-free
Traps, poison and sticky tape are extreme solutions that kill rodents, leaving residues that can result in harmful dead rodent odours.
Rod The Repellent.com is a solution that allows small rodents to return to their natural habitat
hassle-free and mess-free.